About Us

Our Mission:

Project:Rose is dedicated to the mission of helping young girls from the projects, or inner-city, understand that being from the "ghetto" is simply a footnote in the stories of their lives, and not a definition of who they are, or what they are capable of achieving.

Our goal is to inspire them to dream big, and to set and accomplish goals that make their dreams reality. We encourage their love of self and community through civic and educational activities.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Friendship is a very important part of our lives. Everyone needs someone that they can feel safe turning to and confiding in. Just like with everything else in our lives, we have to be careful about the people we choose as friends. There are people who love you, and would never cause you pain or harm, and there are fake friends, who love what being around you can do for them.
In a book called, The Big Book of Girl Stuff, by author Bart King and His Five Sisters, there is a section called, Girl Types. The book lists several personality types girls might meet while trying to make friends. The two I find the most important to know about are The Nurturing Friend, and The Frienemy.
The Nurturing Friend
The Nurturing Friend has a terrific attitude. She's there to help, and she makes the world a better place. If you need someone to walk with you to the bathroom because you're crying, she's there. Need some advice? Candy? Clothes? Help with homework? She's got you covered.
Accessories: The Nurturing friend has a heart of gold, a big purse or backpack that contains snacks, gum, makeup, pens with cool colors, safety pins, change...whatever you need to borrow.
Nicknames: Old Faithful, Best Pal, The Helper
Trademark Lines: "Call anytime!" "It'll be okay!" "Can I do anything to help?"
Interesting Fact: Because she is always taking care of others, the Nurturing Friend may ignore her own needs. Don't take advantage of her good nature, and help her out when you can.
The Frienemy
The Frienemy is not there for you, but she is there to take advantage of you! She might pretend to like you as long as other people in your group like you.
Nickname: The Double Agent, The User, Me-Me.
Warning: The Frienemy is probably friends with one of your real friends, so you just have to tolerate her. She will know some of your secrets, which makes her a possible "mean note writer."
Clothing: Whatever you have in your closet seems to look good on her. She loves to borrow stuff and hates to return it!
Trademark Line: "If my mom calls for me at your house, tell her I'm there and that I'll call her right back. Then call me on my cell and let me know."---The Big Book of Girl Stuff by Bart King and His Five Sisters
It is important to learn the difference between true friends, like the Nurturing Friend, and people who are only around because they want something from you, like The Frienemy.

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